Muskariryhmien esittely

Vauvamuskarit (3–12 kk + huoltaja), 30 min

Vauvamuskari, Baby music groups (3–12-months-olds + guardian), 30 min

Vauvamuskari is a cheerful recreation activity for parents and baby together, which you already can participate in when the baby is a few months old. In baby groups, we sing, move, and rhyme and enjoy being together.

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Perheryhmät (1–2-vuotiaat + huoltaja), 45 min

Perheryhmät, Family groups (1–2-year-olds + guardian), 45 min

You are welcome to increase your repertoire of nursery rhymes and songs together with your child – learnt together, they bring joy even at home! Music play school activities such as dancing, singing and playing rhythm instruments, provide positive stimulation and support the child's development.

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Päiväkotimuskarit (3–5-vuotiaille), 45 min

Päiväkotimuskarit (3–5-vuotiaille), 45 min

Musiikkileikkikoulutoiminta päiväkodeissa tapahtuu hoitopäivän aikana päiväkodin kanssa sovittuna aikana. Ryhmiä on sekä 3–4-vuotiaille että 5-vuotiaille päiväkotilapsille.

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Musiikkileikkiryhmät (3–5-vuotiaat), 45 min

Musiikkileikkiryhmät (3–5-vuotiaat), 45 min

In the music play groups, children get acquainted by singing, playing and moving with the basic concepts of music: rhythm, melody, harmony, timbre and form structures. This forms a valuable basis for continuing later on with instrument studies. These groups are attended without a guardian.

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Bändimuskari (5–8-vuotiaat), 45 min

Bändimuskari (5–8-vuotiaat), 45 min

In the Bändi group, we get to know the basics of music through the means of rhythm music. We use musical instruments of the school music class. Let's learn about band instruments and sound reproduction devices. You can continue from Bändimuskari to study popular or classical music, both of them will benefit from it. The teacher is Eero Purhonen.

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Pianomuskarit (6-vuotiaat), 45 min (15+30)

Pianomuskarit, Piano play groups (6-year-olds), 45 min (15+30)

With the help of pattern sheet music, learning the basics of playing the piano is easy and exciting; each note has its own color and the octave range has its own pattern. In addition to playing the piano, we play and sing, as in other muskari groups. The teacher is Tanja Kangaskoski.

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Karusellimuskarit (5–6-vuotiaat ja 6–7-vuotiaat), 45 min

Karusellimuskarit (5–6-vuotiaat ja 6–7-vuotiaat), 45 min

Karusellimuskarissa tutustutaan monipuolisesti erilaisiin soittimiin, jotta oman soittimen valitseminen helpottuu. Ryhmien soitinvalikoimaan kuuluvat mm. nokkahuilu, ukulele ja piano. Lisäksi soitinopettajat käyvät vierailemassa ryhmissä ja esittelemässä soittimia.

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